What is Security Consultancy?
You may be expert in your niche of expertise but we are the expert in Security Consultancy. Security Consultants involves helping businesses and individuals. Security don’t only apply to locking your doors and windows. There is a lot more other factors that can come into play when talking about security. Security consultants are able to assess your threats and risks, thereafter come up with viable and cost effective solutions to mitigate the existing risks. Everybody requires different solutions. It’s not a one size fit all kind of thing. We are able to customize the best solution for your needs.
Do you know?
It was found that CCTV was associated with a 16% reduction in crime, which was a significant effect. This effect was driven by a 51% reduction in crime in the car park schemes, with CCTV in the other settings having small and nonsignificant effects on crime.
Source: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1745-9133.12419
The above statistics shows us the importance of security. One of the reason why Singapore boast a very low crime rate is due to the fact that we have 15.25 surveillance camera per 1000 people. At the end of 2017, police cameras helped to crack more than 2300 cases! Although Singapore is generally safe, but it is still better safe than sorry.
Who requires Security Consultancy?
Security Consultancy is important to business owners (physical shops, shopping malls, schools and more.) But really, there is no standard when it comes to security. Anybody who requires a security in place can always approach us.
Who choose us?
Established in 1992, Pristine Security Management Services have over 20 years of experience in the Security Management industry. We are are member of the Security Association Singapore (SAS) and is licensed by Singapore Police Force (SPF). All our security officers are handpicked through a rigorous hiring process and well trained in their field of work. Our security officers are Singaporeans who are very familiar with the rules and regulations of the roads in Singapore. Most of them were ex-regulars of the Singapore Police Force, Singapore Armed Forces and Certis Cisco, organizations where safety is of utmost importance. We also pledge by our affordability. The price we offer for our services is one of the most competitive in Singapore. We take pride in our work, constantly ensuring to deliver the highest quality of work to our clients.